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Fibroma Surgery

Top New York plastic surgeon Dr. Darrick Antell is board-certified in plastic surgery, emphasizing aesthetic cosmetic surgery. One of the cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures he regularly performs is fibroma removal.

Fibromas are aesthetically unappealing, benign (noncancerous) tumors composed of fibrous connective tissues that form under the skin. A fibroma is a noticeable lump that can form almost anywhere on the body. In the majority of cases, fibromas are removed for cosmetic reasons.

Considering Fibroma Removal

Fibroma removal is a surgery designed to excise the benign tumor from the skin. In order to ensure the most successful procedure possible, Dr. Antell may alter your surgery to best suit your specific needs. Rapid recovery techniques using the smallest incision possible are all employed. Prior to your fibroma surgery, the size, number, and severity of the fibroma will be taken into consideration when deciding the specific details of your fibroma treatment.

If you are considering fibroma surgery, this information will provide you with an understanding of the fibroma removal surgery: When it can help, how fibroma excision is performed, and what fibroma removal results you can expect following treatment. While this content is very informative, it may not answer all of your questions as each patient and every fibroma is different and may require specific care. Please schedule a private consultation at our office for case-specific information.

Close up on woman's face with beautiful skin and stunning eyes.

The best candidates for Fibroma Removal

Fibromas are the result of unchecked cell growth at a particular part of the body. While this noncancerous proliferation of cells is, in the majority of cases, not harmful, many patients choose to undergo a fibroma treatment or fibroma surgery in NYC for cosmetic purposes. Some patients may be self-conscious or embarrassed by their fibroma. Others may experience pain, discomfort, or pressure if the fibroma develops in a more sensitive area of the body.

The best candidate for fibroma removal is a healthy individual who is either seeking to treat the uncomfortable side effects of the fibroma or to enhance his or her physical appearance. Once a fibroma develops, it will not go away unless treated by a qualified medical professional, such as Dr. Antell.

All Fibroma Surgeries carry some uncertainty and risk

Fibroma surgery, like any other surgical procedure, carries some risk. Complications from fibroma removal surgery are extremely uncommon. Local anesthesia may be combined with a sedative. This will be discussed with you by Dr. Antell in a consultation and is based on the specific details of your case.

If fibroma surgery is performed under rapid recovery local anesthesia alone, you will be allowed to return home the same day as treatment. Depending on the size of your fibroma, you may be able to remove your bandage the next day and carefully shower. Dr. Antell often uses dissolvable stitches during your fibroma surgery, which will be naturally processed by your body in the weeks following your fibroma treatment.

While fibroma excision is a very routine and safe procedure, all surgeries do carry some risk, uncertainty, and potential for complications. The most common complications for fibroma removal surgery include infection, bleeding, or a negative reaction to the sedative used. To ensure your health and well-being, Dr. Antell will ask about any previous surgeries you may have undergone as well as specific questions about your medical history and general health. These complications are very uncommon when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Antell in an accredited surgical facility.

The overall risk may be higher in some cases of fibromas, depending on the size, location, quantity, and severity of the fibromas. In order to reduce scarring, Dr. Antell always implements rapid recovery scar-minimizing surgical techniques for the most cosmetically appealing results.

Planning your Fibroma Surgery

Before fibroma removal, Dr. Antell will meet with you for an initial consultation to assess your fibroma and general health. Dr. Antell will evaluate if your fibroma reduces movement or causes any discomfort when you perform certain actions. At this point, Dr. Antell will begin to discuss surgical options that best suit your particular needs and explain any potential risks or complications for your specific surgery.

During this consultation with Dr. Antell, it is imperative that you are honest about your medical history, prior surgeries, and current health, as these are all important details Dr. Antell takes into consideration when planning your fibroma excision. Dr. Antell will also suggest the type of anesthesia to use and where your surgery may be performed that is best suited to your needs.

It is important to notify Dr. Antell if you are currently taking any supplements or medications. Dr. Antell may also ask if you have any history of smoking or are currently a smoker. Dr. Antell is happy to answer any of your questions about fibroma surgery during your consultation.

Preparing for your Fibroma Removal

In some cases, smaller fibromas may be able to be removed during the same day as your consultation if they only require local anesthesia. Larger, multiple, or more severe fibromas will require an additional appointment to be made. Dr. Antell can arrange for twilight anesthesia or any other form of anesthesia for your fibroma surgery if he feels you may benefit from it.

Where your Fibroma Removal will be performed

Dr. Antell will often choose to perform your fibroma removal surgery in his private, state-of-the-art accredited surgical facility. Rarely, Dr. Antell may advise that fibroma removal surgery be performed in a hospital setting. In the vast majority of cases, fibroma surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that most patients are able to return home the same day of their fibroma removal surgery.

The Fibroma Removal Surgery

Dr. Antell uses a rapid recovery technique with local anesthesia, which may be combined with twilight anesthesia during your fibroma surgery depending on your specific needs. Fibroma removal is typically performed in our New York State registered private operating room. Dr. Antell strives for the most cosmetically appealing and natural-looking results possible when removing fibromas. In most cases, dissolvable stitches will be used to close the incision in a way that reduces the overall potential for scarring. The size and location of a fibroma or fibromas differ from patient to patient. Dr. Antell can discuss and help decide which fibroma removal technique or fibroma treatment is most appropriate for you.

Types of anesthesia for Fibroma Removal Surgery

In most cases of fibroma excision, local anesthesia is used. On the other hand, some patients may require the use of IV sedation commonly referred to as “twilight” anesthesia. This type of sedative anesthesia helps you to feel as if you are falling asleep naturally, but you are still breathing on your own. During fibroma removal with twilight anesthesia, you will be conscious but have no memory of the surgery, ensuring you are completely comfortable during fibroma excision surgery.

Fibroma Removal

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Fibroma Removal

After your Fibroma Surgery

The vast majority of patients are able to return home or go back to work the same day as their fibroma removal surgery. All patients will schedule a follow-up with Dr. Antell to ensure that their incision is healing correctly and that no complications arise. While the majority of fibromas are benign, Dr. Antell sends out a sample to a laboratory for testing to ensure that there are no signs of cancer. Dr. Antell typically tests for cancer during fibroma removal in order to ensure the health of all of his patients.

Fibroma Removal results

Following fibroma removal, you can expect a more aesthetically pleasing appearance and often are significantly less self-conscious. Patients with painful or uncomfortable symptoms experience relief from these sensations and enjoy increased mobility. While minimal scarring is inevitable, Dr. Antell uses rapid recovery techniques to ensure that the potential for scarring is minimal and inconspicuous.