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Dr. Darrick Antell is a top New York board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and cosmetic surgery, including chin enhancement in New York.  One of the least invasive cosmetic surgeries available, chin implants provide immediate, drastic, and satisfying results, helping to balance facial structure and improve overall facial beauty.

Chin enhancement is an outpatient procedure designed to shape the contours and improve the balance of the face.  The size and shape of the chin can play an integral role in overall facial harmony.  A recessed chin, for example, may cause a nose to appear overly large. A more prominent chin often enhances the overall attractiveness of the face, giving people an impression of confidence, leadership qualities, capability, and personality. If you are dissatisfied with the shape, definition, or balance of your chin in comparison with your other facial features, chin implants may be the right cosmetic solution for you. Chin augmentation in NYC can provide you with a more defined chin and improve both your physical appearance and your sense of self-confidence.

Considering Chin Implants

In addition to earning a board certification in plastic surgery, Dr. Antell also has a Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree. Finding a doctor with both these degrees is extremely rare because earning a combination of medical and dental degrees involves eight years of intensive training. With his expertise in both facial aesthetics and dentistry, Dr. Antell is uniquely qualified to analyze and reconstruct the face, jaw, and chin.

The implants used during the chin enhancement procedure are made from a flexible, supple plastic, called silastic.  Silastic is a ubiquitous material used throughout medicine. In the case of chin implants, this material is shaped to give volume to the chin and definition to the jawline. Once inserted under your skin, the implant sits on the bone of your chin, and the wings of the implant, which extend along the jawline, anchor the implant in place. The size and shape of your individual implant can vary depending on your personal needs, appearance, and aesthetic goals. Chin implants come in a variety of different shapes and sizes.  Dr. Antell will help you choose the best chin implant for your specific needs and may further customize your chin implant on the day of surgery if necessary. The projection and size of the implant’s wings, which define your jaw, may also be customized to best suit your needs.

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Anesthesia Used During Chin Implants

During the chin enhancement procedure, local anesthetic is used, usually in combination with oral or IV sedation. This type of sedation is known as “twilight” and will induce a natural-feeling sleep in patients. Once asleep, patients will remain asleep throughout the surgery. Every patient’s safety and comfort are the top priority for Dr. Antell. He and his staff will work to ensure a successful outcome and satisfying experience from your initial personal consultation through your full recovery and beyond.

After chin augmentation, patients typically awake from surgery and walk out of the office less than an hour after the procedure. Local anesthetic and IV sedation, or “twilight sleep”, are short-acting medications, so patients may recover quickly. These medicines are comparable to the anesthetic used during most colonoscopies. Although a responsible adult is necessary to drive you home following the procedure, patients often return to their daily routine within a few days.

Gorgeous woman with defined chin.

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Recovery From Chin Implants

Patients recover from the chin enhancement procedure relatively quickly compared to other, more invasive cosmetic procedures. Patients walk out of the office an hour after surgery and often return to work within a few days, essentially only experiencing a long weekend of recovery. A follow-up appointment is always scheduled one week after surgery to examine the incision site. Dissolving sutures are used, so an additional appointment to remove stitches is unnecessary. Strenuous activity, however, should be avoided for 10 to 14 days after your chin implant procedure in New York.

Cost Of Chin Implants

The cost of chin implants varies on a patient-to-patient basis depending on the complexity of the procedure and the expertise of the surgeon performing the procedure. Everyone’s facial features are unique, therefore the approach to every chin implant is unique as well. The procedure is customized in order to best enhance your individual contours and balance your facial features. In order to achieve the best results for each individual chin implant, some procedures are more complex than others. Dr. Antell is a top New York board certified plastic surgeon and a leader in the field of aesthetic and cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Antell provides the least invasive, most advanced surgical techniques for all of his surgical procedures and has taken a particular interest in the aesthetic and social advantages that chin enhancement can provide his patients. Dr. Antell’s skills and care are unmatched. Patients can rest assured that when they entrust Dr. Antell with their health and appearance, they are trusting a respected physician with more than 20 years of experience, eight years of both medical and dental training, and unparalleled sensitivity and precision.

Schedule a Consultation For Chin Implants

Darrick E. Antell M.D., F.A.C.S., and his staff would be happy to meet with patients to discuss chin enhancement in New York or any of our other cosmetic procedures. You may contact his New York, NY office at 212.988.4040 or request an appointment online to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Antell.

Profile of man with chiseled chin.