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Placement Of Chin Implants 

Although the incision for inserting your chin implant may vary depending on your specific needs, the placement of the implant itself after the chin implants procedure is the same for each patient. The implant will rest on the chin bone, with the wings of the implant extending from the chin along the line of the jaw. These extensions provide further definition to your jawline and can be trimmed to better fit individual patients. If you press your finger just under your chin, you will feel the bone fairly close to the surface of your skin. This is the bone on which the implant will rest. As you can feel, the bone is relatively near the surface of your skin, so Dr. Antell does not have “far to go” when inserting the implant.

Two incision types are commonly used during chin implants in NYC: external or internal. For fifteen years, Dr. Antell used an internal, or labial vestibule, incision on the inside of the mouth at the base of the lower lip. Although this incision provides no visible scar, it involves a slightly higher complication rate due to the presence of saliva. In the majority of cases, Dr. Antell uses an external incision, which is made just under the chin. It’s estimated that 90% of the U.S. population already has a cut or fold visible under the chin from a childhood accident.

The scar produced from chin implants will be subtle and even less noticeable than such a childhood scar because the incision is very small and placed under the chin. Although the chin implant itself may be large, its material is flexible, allowing it to fit through a very small incision. Based on your particular anatomy, skin type, and many other factors, Dr. Antell may recommend either an intraoral incision (internal) or an external incision. Both approaches to placing the implant are perfectly acceptable.

Chin Implants Before & After

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Types Of Chin Implants

  • Smooth: A smooth implant is the preferred implant type. This material is easier to maneuver once implanted and also easier to remove if necessary.
  • Porous: A porous implant adheres to tissue like Velcro. This implant material is harder to maneuver and remove once implanted.

Dr. Antell employs the knowledge, technical skills, and aesthetic artistry he has developed throughout his intensive training and more than two decades of plastic surgery experience at his private practice in order to ensure the safety and satisfaction of each patient.  Dr. Antell is dedicated to working with patients to understand their specific needs and to help them develop realistic goals and expectations.  The chin implants procedure is a wonderful choice for patients looking forward to improvement, not perfection.

Attractive young woman with beautiful skin and defined chin.

Dr. Antell shows examples of different chin implant options.

Dr. Darrick Antell discusses a variety of Chin Enhancement procedures, including Sliding Genioplasty.

Alternatives To Chin Implants

Dr. Antell offers several alternatives to chin implants, including osteotomy to reduce the length of the face, and dermal fillers for patients unsure whether a long-lasting solution is right for them. Osteotomy, also known as a sliding genioplasty, is a separate procedure from chin implants and does not involve placing an implant. During this procedure, part of your chin bone is cut and advanced forward to add chin projection to your profile. An osteotomy can also be used to correct a crooked chin or what patients may refer to as a “long face.” This procedure is able to reduce the vertical length of the face by actually removing sections of chin bone.  In some cases, the procedure can also be used to lengthen the appearance of the chin.

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are a temporary solution to correct a recessive chin and will produce aesthetic enhancement similar to the aesthetic enhancement produced by a chin implant. Patients often choose dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm or fat injections, to “test drive” the results that could be achieved by a chin implant. Dermal fillers provide immediate results but only last about six months. During that time, patients often decide if they’d prefer to make their results long-lasting by choosing to undergo chin implants.  Patients may also choose to allow the temporary results from the dermal fillers to fade, returning their facial profile to its original appearance.

Fat injections provide similar results as dermal fillers, except the material used in the injection itself is actually your own transferred fat cells. This transfer is achieved by harvesting fat cells from your abdomen, thighs, hips, or buttocks during an earlier procedure that is similar to liposuction. The harvested fat cells are then re-injected into targeted areas of your chin to achieve the best aesthetic results.

If you are interested in a longer lasting solution than what dermal fillers and fat injections can provide but are hesitant to commit to chin implants without gaining a better visual of your future results, Dr. Antell can help you as you consider this important decision. To gain a better perspective on how chin implants will enhance your appearance, Dr. Antell can inject sterile water into your chin to add volume where the chin implant would be placed. Your body will simply reabsorb the water within a few days.

Schedule a Consultation For Chin Implants

Darrick E. Antell M.D., F.A.C.S., and his staff would be happy to meet with patients to discuss chin implants in New York or any of our other cosmetic procedures. You may contact his New York, NY office at 212.988.4040 or request an appointment online to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Antell.

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