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Chin Implants Video Gallery

Jay Leno on a Phone Call

Dr. Antell on CBS2 News in New York City: How Chin Implants Can Help You Land a Better Job
Dr. Antell presented his study of the facial profiles of America's top CEOs on CBS2 News in New York City. His study revealed that top business leaders tend to have a stronger chin and jawline. It's no mistake that we associate a prominent chin with authority, strength, and confidence. A chin implant may even lead to a better job or promotion.

Jay Leno

The Tonight Show: Dr. Antell Talks Chin Augmentation In New York City With Jay Leno
Dr. Darrick Antell, plastic surgeon, speaks to Jay Leno about chin augmentation in New York City and the many procedures he performs at his private practice.

Dr. Antell on a TV Show

Chin Augmentation - Hot Trends in Plastic Surgery
Watch as Dr. Antell's patient describes her reasons for electing to have a chin augmentation and see her stunning before and after results. Dr. Antell discusses the reasons why Chin Augmentation has become one of the hottest trends in plastic surgery.

Dr. Antell on TV

Dr. Darrick Antell discusses Chin Implants on Fox 5 News in New York City
Dr. Antell describes how a small procedure such as Chin Implant surgery can dramatically enhance overall attractiveness. Dr. Antell studied the CEOs of fortune 500 companies and found they tend to have a stronger chin than the average population. A more prominent chin enhances overall attractiveness and gives an impression of confidence.

Dr. Antell on TV

Chin Augmentation in New York City: Plastic Surgery for Men
CEOs and celebrities with well-defined jawlines have helped create a rise in demand for chin implants. Dr. Darrick Antell, New York plastic surgeon, describes on the CBS Early Show how a chin augmentation in New York City can help your appearance.

Dr. Antell in an Interview

Eyewitness News 7: Chin Augmentation in New York City with Dr. Darrick Antell
Dr. Darrick Antell, NYC plastic surgeon, talks about reconstructive jaw surgery and his specialty procedure, chin surgery!

News Anchor Talking About Plastic Surgery

News 4 WNBC: Dr. Antell Performs Chin Augmentation in New York City and Jaw Reconstruction
Dr. Darrick Antell helps patients who have both over-developed and under-developed jawbones with cosmetic and reconstructive chin augmentation in New York City.

A Young Doctor Antell

WCBS-TV New York: Dr. Darrick Antell Performs Teen Chin Augmentation in New York City
Dr. Darrick Antell, plastic surgeon, performs reconstructive and cosmetic jaw and chin augmentation in New York City teens.

Dr. Antell Showing a Detail on a Patients Face

Today Show: Chin Implants - The Fastest Growing Trend in Plastic Surgery
Chin Augmentation specialist, Dr. Darrick Antell, explains why chin surgery is a popular trend in plastic surgery.

Dr. Antell on TV

Chin to Win?: The Influence of Chin Augmentation in New York City On The Great Presidential Debate
Dr. Darrick Antell weighs in on the 'chin-strength' of the leading forerunners in the 2012 presidential race on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN. New York plastic surgeon, Dr. Antell, identifies the winning and losing features of the competing politicians. Dr. Antell has observed the subtle power of the chin. He states, "People subconsciously associate a stronger chin with more authority, self-confidence, and trustworthiness."

Dr. Antell on TV

TV Globo in Brazil: Dr. Antell Interview on Chin Augmentation in New York City
Darrick E. Antell, MD, FACS., falla de Cirurgias Plasticas, Aumentam Satisfacao e Profissional.

Hands Holding a Skull

Chin Implant and Genioplasty Discussion
Dr. Antell discusses genioplasty and chin implants in NYC.

Audio Media

Sound Medicine - Chinplants Procedure on the Rise
New York City plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, M.D., discusses chin implants with Sound Medicine. Chin implants can enhance the appearance by providing a stronger looking chin. Chin implants improve the jawline, making for a more fit, youthful, and strong appearance.